Information Night (1)
Please come out and hear all about what's new for 2018 including: - Update on insurance regarding 2017 flooding - New website registration and features for members - Open house set for Jun 2 - Sailpast set for Jun. 16 - New Fuel - New Harbour House washrooms

Time & Location
Apr 12, 2021, 7:00 p.m.
Dalhousie Yacht Club, 74 Lighthouse Road, St. Catharines, ON, Canada
DYC Members,
There will be an information night at the club Thursday May 31st at 7:00pm to provide an update on the many ongoing projects around DYC this spring.
The washrooms on the East side of the harbour will be closed for approximately 5 weeks as we complete a much needed renovation as a result of last years flooding.
The West side washrooms and washrooms in the club house are available to use during this time. If you would like a club access card to get into the clubhouse washrooms when the restaurant is not open please see John Brown.
The pumpout will be unavailable for approximately 1 week. It needed to be moved in order to facilitate the washroom/harbour office renovation.
Thank you for your patience as we complete these much needed improvements!
John Brown
Club Manager
Dalhousie Yacht Club
905-934-8325 ext 21